6 days a week

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Frivolous Law Suits

Beer Commercial Promises Women, Doesn't Deliver
It would take a lot of beer to believe this guy's story. In 1991 Richard Overton actually tried to sue Anheuser-Busch for $10,000 because upon drinking copious amounts of Bud Light, beautiful women didn't come to life in a tropical setting, as shown in the commercials. Guess what Richard? Frogs and lizards can't reallytalk, either.
Sick Of Being A Celebrity Doppelganger? Sue!
Oregon man Allen Heckard had a unique problem: people constantly told him he looked like basketball star Michael Jordan. Except Heckard saw it a bit differently, Michael Jordan looked like him. Naturally, he decided to sue Jordan and Nike for $832 million for his "emotional pain and suffering." But we thought everyone wanted to "be like Mike"?!
Lindsay Lohan Sues For Depiction Of "Milkaholic" Baby
This year, Lindsay Lohan sought $100 million from E-Trade for use of the name "Lindsay" in reference to a female baby in their Super Bowl ad. Her people claimed the public knows her by the singular name, like Oprah or Madonna, and that referring to the baby as a "milk-aholic" directly references her life. We think she should be FINED $100 million just for being so vain.
Haunted House Too Scary? Here's $15,000!

Usually haunted houses get points for being scary, but in the 2000 case of Cleanthi Peters, scariness got Universal Studios a $15,000 lawsuit. Peters claimed to have suffered "extreme fear, mental anguish, and emotional distress" after visiting the Halloween Horror Nights haunted house. Maybe she could use some of that money to learn what "haunted house" means.
Man Sues For Damages To Car After RUNNING OVER Boy
When Tomas Delgado was driving over the speed limit and hit and killed child on a bike, a loophole got him out of any trouble (the boy was riding at night without safety gear or reflectors). You'd think getting away with murder would be enough, but Delgado decided to sue the family of the boy for damages to his Audi. It's a good thing he later dropped the lawsuit, or we would have lost ALL faith in humanity.
There you have it.  These lawsuits make you wonder what the people behind them were thinking.  Greed? Attention? Lack of intelligence? Perhaps a mix of all three.  One fact is certain:  Lawyers are never out of a job with people like this in existence.  

Monday, August 30, 2010

Myostatin Deficiency

Myostatin (also known as growth differentiation factor 8) is a secreted TGF beta protein family member that inhibits muscle differentiation and growth. Myostatin is produced primarily in skeletal muscle cells, circulates in the blood and acts on muscle tissue, by binding a cell-bound receptor called the activin type II receptor.[1][2] In humans, myostatin is encoded by the MSTN gene.[3]
Animals lacking myostatin or animals treated with substances such as follistatin that block the binding of myostatin to its receptor have significantly larger muscles. 

Myostatin is active in muscles used for movement (skeletal muscles) both before and after birth. This protein normally restrains muscle growth, ensuring that muscles do not grow too large. Mutations that reduce the production of functional myostatin lead to an overgrowth of muscle tissue. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy has a pattern of inheritance known as incomplete autosomal dominance. People with a mutation in both copies of the MSTN gene in each cell (homozygotes) have significantly increased muscle mass and strength. 

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myostatin            

The following are pics of animals and humans with Myostatin Deficiency:


Well, I guess eugenicists win this round.

The Worst Date Ever

I'm a big fan of bodybuilding.com forums and some of the people on those forums have very messed up stories.  If you haven't yet read this story, follow the link and read it beginning to end.  I promise that you will laugh  HARD. Warning: It is a bit graphic.  Some profanity is included.  So if you can't handle a small dose of profanity, you might want to put on your e-seatbelt. MS paint images are included; they are quite hilarious, along with the rest of the story.


Worst date ever? It definitely ranks up there.

Like my blog? Become my follower.  I update all the time with random, interesting content.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Understanding the 'Left' and the 'Right'

The map below, in my opinion, provides an accurate representation of today's 'Left' and 'Right'.  If you've ever been curious about politics, and/or the general views of the 'Left' and 'Right', this might be the day your curiosity meets satisfaction.  

This map isn't the finest piece of art, if considered as such.  Not all 'Leftists' and 'Right wingers' match this description, hence I would not suggest prejudice thoughts about all stockbrokers belonging to the 'Right.'  I think the cartographer meant to produce irony, painting the 'Left' in red and the 'Right' in blue, or just being idiotic. One of the two.

Like what you see? Follow my blog.  You can expect to see updates about random affairs.

Link to the map: http://landofthefreeish.com/politics/left-versus-right-world/


If you've ever wondered about supplements and how the nutrition industry operates, you will learn a lot by reading Pogue's blog.  Pogue lists the best supplements for the dollar, with citations of scientific research to support his point.  In his blog, he reaches out to the beginners and pros of fitness, discussing supplements such as Protein powder, Creatine, Multivitamins, and supplements which do no more for your body than a placebo.  Want to improve your body and/or learn about nutrition? Follow the link to Pogue's blog!

TL;DR: Want to know about the best supplemenets and about supplements that do nothing for the body? Check out this blog: http://pogue972.blogspot.com/2006/04/sports-supplements-guide-for-beginners.html

Saturday, August 28, 2010

6 days a week

Eating sure is good.  However, did you know that a lot of sea food contains high levels of mercury?

The complexities associated with mercury transport and environmental fate are described by USEPA in their 1997 Mercury Study Report to Congress. Because methylmercury and high levels of elemental mercury can be particularly toxic to a fetus or young children, organizations such as the U.S. EPA and FDA recommend that women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant within the next one or two years, as well as young children avoid eating more than 6 ounces (one average meal) of fish per week.
In the United States, the FDA has an action level for methylmercury in commercial marine and freshwater fish that is 1.0 parts per million (ppm). In Canada, the limit for the total of mercury content is 0.5 ppm. The Got Mercury? website includes a calculator for determining mercury levels in fish.
Species with characteristically low levels of mercury include shrimptilapiasalmonpollock, and catfish (FDA March 2004). The FDA characterizes shrimp, catfish, pollock, salmon, sardines, and canned light tuna as low-mercury seafood, although recent tests have indicated that up to 6 percent of canned light tuna may contain high levels. A study published in 2008 found that mercury distribution in tuna meat is inversely related to the lipid content, suggesting that the lipid concentration within edible tuna tissues has a diluting effect on mercury content. These findings suggest that choosing to consume a type of tuna that has a relatively higher natural fat content may help reduce the amount of mercury intake, compared to consuming tuna with a low fat content. Also, many of the fish chosen for sushi contain high levels of mercury.
According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the risk from mercury by eating fish and shellfish shall not be a health concern for most people. However, certain seafood might contain levels of mercury to harm an unborn baby (and especially its brain development and nervous system) or in cases of young child's interfere with the development of the nervous system. The FDA provides three recommendations for young children, pregnant women, and women of child-bearing age:
  1. Do not eat sharkswordfishking mackerel, or tilefish because they might contain high levels of mercury.
  2. Eat up to 12 ounces (2 average meals) a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury. Five of the most commonly eaten fish and shellfish that are low in mercury are: shrimpcanned light tunasalmonpollock, and catfish. Another commonly eaten fish, albacore or big eye tuna ("white") tuna depending on its origin might have more mercury than canned light tuna. So, when choosing your two meals of fish and shellfish, it is recommended that you should not eat more than up to 6 ounces (one average meal) of albacore tuna per week.
  3. Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by family and friends in your local lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. If no advice is available, eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) per week of fish you catch from local waters, but consume no other fish during that week.
These recommendations should be are considered when feeding fish and shellfish to young children, but in proportionally smaller and controlled quantities.